A distant view of the mountains and trees
Our Community
Welcome to Kemmerer, Diamondville, and Frontier, where the spirit of the frontier lives on. Hollywood called it the Wild West. The real pioneers came to Kemmerer, Diamondville, and Frontier and built a community with their bare hands.Our ancestors came to the western part of Wyoming by wagon train, horseback, and on foot. They came to dig coal out of the hills and work the land. They came alone and built a community by themselves. That community and the frontier spirit that created it is still thriving.
Local Info
The Rotary ClubThe City of Kemmerer
Fossil Island Golf Course
Kemmerer Recreation Center
Area Schools
Lincoln School DistrictWestern Wyoming Community College
Local Attractions
Tour WyomingFossil Butte National Monument
Real Estate
Quality RealtyBig Country Properties
Statistics / Economy
Kemmerer, WY Population And DemographicsKemmerer, WY